Weight Management: Our Approach

Body weight is an extremely loaded term in our culture. Too often, weight loss is used as a shorthand for being healthy, and those of us who don’t conform to an idealized weight or body shape are judged or shamed. 

That said, there is a lot of research out there that correlates some weight with better health outcomes. That’s why we work closely with our patients who are looking to lose or maintain a certain amount of weight to develop practical, personalized strategies that can actually be sustained. 

What is a ‘healthy weight’ I should be aiming for?

Because each of us has different metabolisms, different body types, and different health goals, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to weight. At Whole Health Partners, we are very careful to remind people that your ideal weight—just like many aspects of your health—is personal, and it should be strongly influenced both by your specific health circumstances and the counsel of your medical providers, as well as what makes you feel best within your body. 

How does Whole Health Partners approach weight management and weight loss? 

We don’t do ‘dieting’—meaning a narrow and sometimes unhealthy pursuit of short-term weight loss which can be hard to sustain. Instead, our team—which includes registered dietitians/nutritionists as well as a medical doctor—follows a broader focus on wellness and better health—with weight loss, where appropriate, as one part of a wider set of goals and outcomes. That means working with you on: 

  • Understanding how weight is related to your specific circumstances and goals

  • Identifying the factors—both dietary, behavioral and environmental—that contribute to your current weight

  • Establishing realistic, evidence-based and achievable goals 

  • Helping you to develop a personalized and practical strategy toward achieving and maintaining a body weight that makes you feel comfortable and healthy

I want to lose weight. Why does so much of your content focus on sleep, stress and other topics? 

Everything is interrelated. When we don’t sleep well, or when we are stressed, our body behaves differently - sending signals to the brain that literally makes us crave different foods. Similarly, when we are stressed, we can have a hard time sticking to movement or exercise routines we have committed to.

That’s why our ‘Whole Health Method’ is based around a comprehensive approach to lifestyle medicine—which helps you to achieve weight goals in a way that is both achievable and sustainable for the long term, and which delivers many ancillary benefits outside of simply achieving a certain number of pounds lost or inches off your waistline. 

What would you like help with?

  • Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

  • Blood Glucose Management, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Thyroid Disease, Hormonal Health

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Perimenopause/Menopause


Cholesterol Management: Our Approach


With Dietitians and Doctors, Collaboration is Key