A Collaborative Approach to Patient Care

Focused on Your Patients’ Needs

Behavior change takes time. And it takes regular, consistent education, guidance and support. At Whole Health Partners, we are firmly committed to our role as a collaborative, complementary support team—for your patients, and for you as the PCP.

Our Promise to You:

We never prescribe or de-prescribe medications*

We always focus on understanding a patient's underlying medical conditions, existing care plan, and overall health journey

We always, with a patient's permission, keep the referring PCP informed of our learnings, the goals we have helped the patient set, and how they are progressing toward those goals

*The only exception is, when appropriate, we do prescribe CGMs to gain real time insight into how food choices and lifestyle decisions impact a patient’s blood sugar.

Throughout this work, our goal is to provide the kind of regular — even weekly — interventions and support that helps ensure successful behavior change and compliance.

Nutrition, Sleep, Movement, Mindset

We Can Help Your Patients With the Following:

  • Weight loss and weight management

  • Managing chronic illness

  • Behavior change strategies to augment the use of GLP-1 agonists

  • Blood glucose management

  • PCOS and perimenopause/menopause

Below are several case studies which illustrate how we work

  • Managing Pre-Diabetes on an Irregular Work Schedule

    ‘Rachel’ is a 56 year old shift worker. She often starts work at 5am, while her husband works a regular 9-5. She was referred to us by her PCP following a diagnosis of pre-diabetes.

  • Overcoming the ‘Yo-Yo Factor’ of Weight Gain/Loss

    ‘Tina’ is a middle school principal who was referred to us for help in preventing diabetes and finding a sustainable approach to nutrition and overall well-being.

  • Rethinking Diet Culture

    Sarah is in her mid forties. Throughout her ‘dieting’ journey, Sarah would make great progress for a month or two, but would then lose momentum.

Maximizing the Benefit of GLP-1 Agonists

Like many medications, GLP-1 agonists work best when combined with building new lifestyle behaviors and enduring habits that help them sustain long term weight loss success.

The Role of Our Clinicians

Sometimes, PCPs will ask us why all of our patients will also see our own clinicians for regular visits. This is all part of our integrative approach to patient care. But it’s important to emphasize: We are not PCPs, and our clinicians do not act as PCPs. Instead, they provide important, clinical context and experience that allows us to connect the dots between medical issues and medications on the one hand, and what we do with lifestyle medicine on the other.

They also provide an important, evidence-based focus on sleep and sleep hygiene—and they are able to identify if and when an issue or concern needs to be flagged up to a PCP.

Do all Patients See a Clinician?

Yes. Our clinicians and registered dietitians have different backgrounds and training, and each bring unique insights to the care of the patients we have the opportunity to see. Our priority is to be sure that each of those individuals get the best we have to offer, and making sure that our care is complementary to - not duplicative of - your role as the primary care provider.

Are Your Services Covered By Insurance?

We are in network with most commercial insurance carriers. We will always verify your patients' benefits before we see them for their first visit, and we will let them know if they do not have coverage.

Want to Get Started?

Of course, we know that every patient - and every provider -  is different. We would love to work with you and learn about the needs of your patient population, and identify how we can best support the work that you are doing. Here are several ways to get started:

Patient Referral Form

Patient Self-Scheduling

Schedule a Provider Meeting with our Founders

Insurance Providers We Accept