Weekend Wellness: The Crucial Role of Consistency in Sustaining Health

Photography by Kelsey Chance

For many of us on a health journey—whether that's weight loss, or managing an illness, or training for a fitness goal—changing behavior is all about fitting new habits into your existing structure and routine.

But structure and routine can falter a little when it comes to the weekend. And here's the real kicker:

If you include your Friday nights, weekends make up 42% of your week.

So even if you are consistent during the week with eating well, moving regularly, avoiding alcohol, or sleeping, it is possible to undo that progress on the weekends if you aren’t intentional.

Without planning, weekend inconsistencies can halt your progress, make you doubt your efforts, and decrease your self-confidence in meeting your goals.

It's almost like every Monday becomes January 1st. Luckily, it doesn't have to be that way. (And you don't have to plan for joyless weekends either.)

Here are some strategies to keep you on track:

Getting Started

  • Think ahead: Consider each weekend individually, based on what you have planned. (ex. Are you attending a party or a special event?)

  • Set realistic goals: Every weekend might not be conducive to staying on track 100%. That’s okay.

  • Decide on your indulgences: It's OK to plan for a bit of flexibility (if you want). Get ready to intentionally enjoy it.

  • Set your intent with your non-negotiables: For example, you might want to commit to intentional movement both days, or only eating out twice, or no sweetened coffees etc.

Identify Your Weekend Barriers

  • No meal plan

  • A sweet breakfast, or fancy take-out coffee

  • Eating out more frequently

  • Erratic meal timing

  • Different sleep schedule

  • All-day grazing/snacking

  • Reward mentality

  • Low activity

  • Social events/errands

  • Alcohol

  • Not tracking food

  • ‘Start again on Monday’ mentality

Best in health,

Kate, Jenni, and Kait

What would you like help with?

  • Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

  • Blood Glucose Management, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Thyroid Disease, Hormonal Health

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Perimenopause/Menopause


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