Whole Health Partners’ Blog

Kick Overeating to the Curb
Strategies, Cravings, Emotional Eating Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Strategies, Cravings, Emotional Eating Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

Kick Overeating to the Curb

We tend to find there’s a lot of shame, judgment and emotion attached to the concept of overeating. So it can be helpful to step back and look at it objectively:

To overeat simple means to eat more food than your body needs, especially so that you feel uncomfortably full. To put it another way, overeating just means to eat past fullness. And here’s a secret: It’s not a sign of weakness or a lack of will power—regardless of what our culture might tell you.

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Symptoms are a signal, but what’s the root cause?

Symptoms are a signal, but what’s the root cause?

Having practiced nutrition counseling and lifestyle medicine for more than a decade, one simple insight has become increasingly and abundantly clear: Many — if not most — patients I’ve worked with have one to three underlying factors or influences that are both driving the specific health issues they are facing, and also getting in the way of implementing solutions.

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