How 30 Minutes a Day can Positively Effect Nearly every Bodily System
Photograph by Caleb Jones
The benefits of walking are well known. Even just 30 minutes of walking a day will positively affect nearly every bodily system.
Even better news? If 30 minutes sounds too hard to squeeze in, breaking up that walk into 10 or 15-minute segments provides the same health benefits!
That’s why one of the first things we often recommend to a new patient, is simply to find ways to walk a little more, and a little more often, as a part of their regular routine. Here’s what that looks like in practice:
Start Small: A body in motion stays in motion. The most important thing is to make a plan to intentionally get started. Aim for 12-20 minutes of walking at least three days per week. Then commit to keeping that up for at least 4 or 5 weeks.
Advance: Once you’ve gotten into the habit, increase your walking time to 30-45 minutes—and try to increase the frequency too. Try to get to 3-5 days every week, for 4-5 months.
Continue and Connect: To maintain fitness levels, continue walking 3-5 days/week for 30-45 minutes. Freshen your routine by finding a walking partner by joining a walking group. Aim to gradually increase intensity—picking up the pace for some or all of your walks.
Keep it Exciting: Change up your route, listen to a new audiobook or podcast, make a new playlist, or incorporate other exercises (squats, lunges, planks etc.) at crosswalks or traffic stops. You can also use your phone or smart watch to track your progress, and to make sure you are staying on track.
Oh, and don’t forget that being out in the woods is good for you. So you get extra credit if your walk takes you into nature as well!
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Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance
Blood Glucose Management, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Thyroid Disease, Hormonal Health
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Perimenopause/Menopause