Whole Health Partners’ Blog
Insulin Resistance Management: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Patient Outcomes
Weight loss is about much more than just calories in vs. calories out. In particular, insulin resistance plays a crucial role in our ability to effectively access and burn stored fat. That's why, at Whole Health Partners, our approach to weight management focuses on optimizing insulin sensitivity.
Before You Make a Big Change: Setting Yourself Up for Success
You wouldn’t run a marathon without first investing in a good pair of shoes. Yet whether it’s recipes, exercise routines, or meditation techniques—we often jump straight to specific action steps and tactics when we want to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle. In order to make changes that stick, however, we may be better off slowing down, and taking some time to prepare.
Beyond 'Exercise': Rediscovering the Joy of Movement
Our culture loves to put things in boxes. That's why we so often think of 'exercise' as being specifically confined to activities like going to the gym, or participating in organized sports. Yet the truth is that your quads don't care if you're doing squats, or if you're crouching down to weed your garden. That's why it can be helpful to think beyond activities traditionally thought of as 'exercise,' and instead start thinking about ways that you can get more active throughout the course of living your normal life.
Why Improved Sleep Means Better Health
The quality and quantity of our sleep often decreases as a natural consequence of getting older. Yet a lack of adequate sleep can hit at any age, In fact, according to the Sleep Foundation, 35% of U.S. adults report getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night.
From “Weight” to “Wellness”: Five Tips for Managing Your Weight, Without Obsessing Over It
Our culture loves to talk about weight loss as a shorthand for being healthy. Yet each of us has different metabolisms, different body types, and different health goals too. So at Whole Health Partners, we are very careful to remind people that your ideal weight—just like many aspects of your health—is personal, and it should be strongly influenced by what makes you feel best within your body.
Practical Ways to Boost Your Energy: 4 Areas of Focus
The world, and America in particular, is not short of diet philosophies, approaches and plans. And many of these can be a terrific framework for improving your health. Often, however, the focus is mostly on depriving ourselves of the things that we consider ‘bad’ or ‘unhealthy.’
Dieting vs. Behavior Change: Why We Always Focus on the Latter
The world, and America in particular, is not short of diet philosophies, approaches and plans. And many of these can be a terrific framework for improving your health. Often, however, the focus is mostly on depriving ourselves of the things that we consider ‘bad’ or ‘unhealthy.’
What is Lifestyle Medicine?
The wider medical profession has long understood that lifestyle and behavior plays a critical role in overall health. What’s sometimes been less well understood, however, is how to make behavior change actually stick.
Whole Health Method: What Is It, and How Can It Help You?
There are no silver bullets when taking care of your health. Yet there are countless decisions that each of us make every single day which can impact our wellbeing in both positive and negative ways. When we are in the thick of our day-to-day lives, however, it can be hard to stick to a plan.
Symptoms are a signal, but what’s the root cause?
Having practiced nutrition counseling and lifestyle medicine for more than a decade, one simple insight has become increasingly and abundantly clear: Many — if not most — patients I’ve worked with have one to three underlying factors or influences that are both driving the specific health issues they are facing, and also getting in the way of implementing solutions.