Whole Health Partners’ Blog

Your Microbiome & You: An FAQ for Better Health
Microbiome Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Microbiome Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

Your Microbiome & You: An FAQ for Better Health

Your microbiome is basically an ecosystem made up of all the bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes that naturally live in and on your body. All of these microorganisms work together to support your body’s basic functions, helping you to digest food, ward off illness, and develop and adapt your immune system to the environment around you. 

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Before You Make a Big Change: Setting Yourself Up for Success
Sleep, Weight Loss, Exercise Routines Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Sleep, Weight Loss, Exercise Routines Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

Before You Make a Big Change: Setting Yourself Up for Success

You wouldn’t run a marathon without first investing in a good pair of shoes. Yet whether it’s recipes, exercise routines, or meditation techniques—we often jump straight to specific action steps and tactics when we want to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle. In order to make changes that stick, however, we may be better off slowing down, and taking some time to prepare.

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What is Metabolic Health?
Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

What is Metabolic Health?

In our culture, weight (and the related concept of BMI) is too often used as shorthand for whether a person is healthy or not. Here’s the thing though:

You can’t actually tell from a person’s weight whether they are healthy or not.

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Our Approach

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Our Approach

If you’re one of the 20 to 30% of people with ovaries who have been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), you’ve likely talked to your doctor about medical interventions like the birth control pill or metformin. They may or may not have also advised you that dietary and lifestyle interventions can provide significant relief from common symptoms, as well as reduce the risk of long-term negative health outcomes like metabolic syndrome or heart disease.

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Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and Insulin Resistance: Our Approach
Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and Insulin Resistance: Our Approach

The term insulin resistance refers to when a body does not respond well to insulin. Insulin resistance encompasses a wide variety of health conditions that includes diabetes (types 1 and 2), prediabetes as well as certain other conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) [add link to separate services page for PCOS]. While the severity of insulin resistance depends on the specific conditions that are causing it, the impact is the same—an inability to process and manage blood glucose levels. 

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Cholesterol Management: Our Approach
Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

Cholesterol Management: Our Approach

Most of us have heard that high cholesterol levels can have a negative impact on our health, but the reality is a little more complicated than simply avoiding so-called “high cholesterol” foods. Whether it’s the difference between HDL and LDL—the so-called  ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterols—or the relationship between our food intake, our genetics, our lifestyle and our cholesterol levels, there’s a lot to learn and unpack when it comes to cholesterol management. If you’re looking to understand and manage your cholesterol levels, our team—which includes registered dietitians/nutritionists as well as a medical doctor—will work with you to first understand how cholesterol levels are impacting your health, what factors are contributing to those numbers, and then develop a practical plan for doing something about it. 

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Weight Management: Our Approach
Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN Jenni Grover MS, RD, LDN

Weight Management: Our Approach

Body weight is an extremely loaded term in our culture. Too often, weight loss is used as a shorthand for being healthy, and those of us who don’t conform to an idealized weight or body shape are judged or shamed.

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